Amarena Gin Tonic

Amarena Fabbri CocktailCocktail alcolicoCocktail IBADay-timeGin TonicNight-time


100 ml tonic water 
10 ml Amarena Fabbri Mixybar Syrup
50 ml gin 


Flavour the glass by rubbing the inside with the sprig of rosemary.  
Fill with ice cubes and pour in the gin, top up with tonic water and finish by gently pouring in the Fabbri syrup.  Garnish with a sprig of rosemary and Amarena Fabbri.  

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Drink size Long Drink
Juices&sodas Tonic Water
Mixybar Amarena
Serving time Anytime
Preparation technique Build
Wine and spirits Gin
Amarena Gin Tonic